Stage Ai offer training programs for personal development, professional advancement and artistic enrichmentenrichment. Stage Ai’s programs are based on a creative and integral approach to support the transformation of individuals, groups and organizations in the greater Chinese community both in China and abroad.
Joey W.K. Chan
Apr, aug, nov. 2018 | beijing
Adaptive Leadership Training
Working with internal Training and Learning Team members, Joey has helped them adopt Ronald Heifetz’s practice of Adaptive Leadership. This is a long-term leadership development process that has been ongoing for the past 3 years and has continually been assessed as extremely successful. Joey has custom designed and facilitated processes like systems thinking, taking multiple-perspective analysis and led discussions of details on how to deal with situations like participants’ defensive mechanism.
Armand Volkas
Dec. 2018 | Beijing
Healing Generational Trauma
This workshop is a unique opportunity to work with two international experts on trauma, each bringing their own action methods for containment, exploration and resolution of trauma, from the collective, generational and historical to the individual level.